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Comments (14)

  • Westham conceded over 20 goals in 10 away games but thanks to Arteta's stupid game plan they appeared like a strong defence! It was the classic situation of making the opposition look great by a lack of coaching ability by the Arsenal coach. LOL

  • @Zoltan and great goalkeeping lol

  • The entire Arsenal team sucked together with their coach: they were way too slow to break down Westham's parked bus and they forced a very predictable game alternating between easy to defend crosses and low yield short passes inside an overcrowded Westham box. What they would have needed instead is speeding up their game through one touch passing, high pressing to win turnovers, and plenty of shots on the goal from a distance. I find it hard to believe that Arteta did not notice this. If I were the owner, I would look for a new coach immediately because what we have seen tonight was ridiculous.

  • @Zoltan when did you get your professional coaching badges and what clubs have you managed? I think we deserve to know given you are so much more knowledgeable and capable than a Premier League manager........

  • Saka sucks, can't control a single ball.

  • @neumi17 What about Arteta who kept in the game for so long despite of this???

  • @Zoltan @neumi17 ah give me a break, both of you.. Lynching a player cause of a one bad game, which in fact, wasn't even that bad, he was quite unfortunate few times while Areola made some splendid saves. He is still only 22, he's not perfect, can improve on lots of things, but yet he is a big prospect.

  • Unpredictable

  • Arsenal will be too strong at home for West Ham.

  • @Marbella looool your comment aged like milk

  • Draw

  • West Ham disrupted Arsenal’s title charge last season and they will look again to cause an upset. However this is not late into the season like last season therefore little pressure on Arsenal and Arsenal will see the Hammers through with ease here. 2:0

  • @albgunn spot on mate

  • @albgunn how’s that looking