Match Summary

Wolves Sheffield United
Stole the ball often from the opposition
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from counter attacks
Were poor at finishing
Were poor at finishing
Lost possession often
Gave away a lot of free-kicks around the box
Played with width
Attacked down the right side
Attacked down the left side
Had a high shot frequency when in possession
Attacked down the right side
Favoured crossing the ball
Dominated possession

Situational Report

Positional Report


Sheffield United


Sheffield United


Sheffield United


Sheffield United

  • Name:
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  • Rating:

Comments (0)

  • Certainly since I started watching the Premier League, Sheffield United are the sorriest excuse of a team I’ve seen in it. Huddersfield at least gave an incredible performance to stay up their first season, and teams like Norwich, while always relegation fodder, always have a few memorable results and performances. With this Sheffield United team, the highlight of their season is either drawing away at Aston Villa or winning away at Luton

  • Gone for Wolves to win with João Gomes to score first at 29-1, shame Cunha is injured.

  • 0-1 McAtee

  • @watfordAlbert 1-0 Sarabia

  • @watfordAlbert LOL

  • @watfordAlbert :DDDDDDDDDDD

  • 3-1 wolves