Match Summary

Luton Liverpool
Stole the ball often from the opposition
Created a high number of chances relative to their possession
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from counter attacks
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from long shot situations
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from the flanks
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from set-pieces
Lost possession often
Were poor at finishing
Commited a high number of individual errors
Played with width
Had a large quantity of possession in their opponent's half
Attacked down the left side
Attacked through the middle
Favoured crossing the ball
Dominated possession
Favoured long balls
Favoured crossing the ball

Situational Report

Positional Report









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Comments (0)

  • Gomez - championship player, mcalister - championship player, Salah - should be sold to Saudi half year ago, Nunez --- pfff ahahah, Trent - not even a defender.

  • @dzvinka All incredibly stupid takes. Today was a pathetic performance, implying they are much better players than they showed

  • Luton to win, both teams to score.

  • This is an absolutely pathetic performance from Liverpool. Every single player should be ashamed.

  • 0-3 Liverpool

  • Incredible that the guy who's parents got kidnapped is able mentally to have a stronger will to win than all the other players. If I was Klopp I'd be giving Diaz a huge hug in the dressing room, then ask him to step out and spend the next half hour going down the line of our midfielders and forwards and giving them absolute hell for that performance.

  • Draw

  • Luton 1 =Liverpool 4

  • 9-0 liverpool win

  • Diogo Jota is good coming in from the bench not as a starter Salah was supposed to be taken off at half time. Klopp should play Endo before it's too late and MacAllister goes to the side. How can we have an outright 6 and not play him then why did he get him??

  • Am I the unlucky one yesterday it was Arsenal and today Liverpool too