Arsene Wenger is adamant he will not change his football philosophy - either Arsenal win silverware by aesthetical performances or the six-year trophy drought continues.


It appears Wenger’s charges, despite sealing victory over Manchester United on Sunday, are set to go another campaign without any titles but Arsenal may have ignited the title twist which could see Chelsea retain their Premier League crown.


In such a crucial game, Wenger’s tactical and personnel selections were outstanding. Manchester United relied heavily on the counter-attack for the majority of their offence. Wayne Rooney, who’s been recently deployed as an advanced midfielder, playing behind lone striker Javier Hernandez, was stifled by the excellent Alex Song, who made five key tackles throughout the game.


Aaron Ramsey, who netted Arsenal’s winner in the second half, sealed a 92% pass accuracy and kept Wenger’s side ticking over in central midfield, while advancing on occasions to link up with Robin van Persie.


Arsenal overall enjoyed more possession than United and generally kept the ball better, as can be highlighted by their 82% pass accuracy, rather than United’s 77%. Wenger’s men also won more challenges throughout the game, as well as aerial duels.


United’s midfield failed to cope with the zest of their opponents. Michael Carrick and Anderson were overshadowed by Jack Wilshere and Ramsey. Hernandez was starved of service, touching the ball just 11 times during the 74 minutes he was on the field.


Arsenal’s deeper line in the second half, which allowed the excellent Laurent Koscielny to nullify the Mexican’s pace, and each cross whipped in by Nani was dealt with by the two centre-backs or the sturdy Wojciech Szczesny in the hosts’ goal.


Uncharacteristically, United opted to play a number of long balls from their centre-backs, Rio Ferdinand and Nermanja Vidic. 16 were made in total between the pair while just nine reached their intended target. In contrast, three were played between Koscielny and Johan Djourou, which gave Arsenal a better base to work from.


In his pre-match press conference before his side’s defeat at the Emirates, Ferguson refuted suggestions that his men would struggle against both Arsenal and Chelsea. With one defeat threatening to open up the title race, the onus is now on the United boss to display his own tactical and team selection prowess against Carlo Ancelotti’s charges to secure the title.


Passed Off the Pitch – How Arsenal Handed Chelsea a Title Race Lifeline