Ibrahima Cissé

Name: Ibrahima Cissé
Current Team: Schalke 04
Shirt Number: 22
Age: 23 years old (15-02-2001)
Height: 196cm
Nationality: France
Positions: Defender (Centre)

Current Participations

Playing Positions

Position Apps Goals Assists Rating
DC (Defender Centre) 3 1 0 6.5
Sub (Substitute) 1 0 0 6
* Only tournaments with detailed coverage

Ibrahima Cissé Characteristics

+ Strengths

(Player has no significant strengths)

- Weaknesses

(Player has no significant weaknesses)

Ibrahima Cissé's Style of Play

Plays the ball off the ground often
Indirect set-piece threat
Likes to play long balls
© WhoScored.com
* Strengths, weaknesses and styles are calculated from statistics of each player's latest two seasons

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